Run, WW, Run 5

Welcome back for yet another installment of Run, WW, Run my virtual cross country trek inspiring me to get fit. When last we met I had fallen short of my goal of Six Flags New England but set a target to finally leave the state and end the week at ESPN.


The week started simple with a light day ending at the Big E. Heading towards Six Flags a short stop at yet another amusement park. Hauling a giant pile of mulch on Saturday made it so I could not only pass Six Flags but finally enter my second state. I talked to my wife to plan an amusement park trip but sadly this weekend is already overbooked. We promised to go “soon” but that will require some focus on my part to make it happen. I need school and spring sports to end.  I ended the day in a residential area where I noticed a basketball hoop in the backyard.  I figured that would be an easy one this week since my younger son loves to shoot around in the backyard. The rain would make that difficult.

Sunday is my soccer day so I logged a good number of miles. I play in the morning and volunteer in the afternoon. I passed a golf course and ended the day at the New England Air Museum. There won’t be any air travel soon as our next vacation is a drive away in a few weeks but I did enjoy looking through the website at some of the cool planes. The golf course made me think of my son. This is his last week of school and for the past few years I have taken him golfing the day after his last final. That would normally be happening right now as I type but there is an event at work today. I took him to the see Wonder Woman last night instead. (More on that later)

The theme of the week was emerging but the execution was lacking. I was heading to ESPN, had landed at a basketball court, and passed a golf course. I thought maybe I can see how many sports I can fit in this week. It would be fun and get me moving. It rained most of the week but I would try.

As the work week began I entered a fitbit challenge for inspiration with my sister in law. Monday I ended the day along a country road with nothing in view but a stop sign. I had passed a gym but never made it to mine. Tuesday I found myself busy at work and  tired and only moved a total of 1.7 mi for the day. That would not win the challenge. I ended the day at a Veterinary Hospital which made me think of the dog we got and had to give away because of allergies. I gave him to a coworker so today I will track him down and get an update on how Sanford is doing.

Wednesday  I ended up home from work dealing with some house issues. (termites) I logged some good distance clearing out crawlspaces and the garage. I also played some indoor soccer for a real workout. The only notable site along the map was a Racquet club. Another data point in my week of many sports theory. The only problem was the only sport I had played through Wednesday was soccer.  I had planned for golfing Friday and if I was to make my weekly goal I would have to do some cycling because a couple of real light days left me a bit behind schedule.

So last night was my final chance. I needed 14 total miles on the day. A would go for a long bike ride….was the plan. Then it was clear I would not end up golfing Friday so I wanted to spend some time with my son. So instead of a long ride and making my goal we sat in a movie theater and watched Wonder Woman.  The week ends short of target at a PreCast concrete manufacturing site. I will lose the fitbit challenge as well. To use the end point as my metaphor. The building blocks are there but I need to start laying them down. I thought about the week as a whole. I played soccer twice and took a long walk one night. Not bad but there were a couple of days where I barely moved. That is the thing I need to work on the most.

Since I am still heading to ESPN, I will take the theme into this coming week and see how many sports I can play. Once I make it to Bristol, I will head due west to see if I can make into New York state by the end of the week.

Run, WW, Run

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