The WW on Alcatraz

“It’s mighty good to get up and leave. This Rock ain’t good for nobody.”
-Frank Weatherman, last con to leave (1963)

Image result for alcatraz escape

When you here the simple mention of the word Alcatraz, you can hear the cell door slamming shut. You get instant visions of Al Capone in the yard or papier-mache heads. You can feel the ice cold water. You wonder if they really drown or got away.  One of my favorite trips a was to Alcatraz. I wandered for hours. I took the guided escape tour. This weekend I found myself confronted with the Rock again but in a very different way.

4 of us played the role of guards in an Escape room. We searched the cell and prison for clues. In the end we emerged victorious with 10 minutes to spare in the fictitious timeline finding not only the escape route but the missing tool. We forever be immortalized (or at least until someone beats our time.)

As is often asked on this blog…What does this have to do with weight loss?

I’ll spare you the long prison cell analogies as I don’t see the program that way at all. I won’t drone on about using my time in the yard to get some exercise. Too predictable. I could plan my day like a well thought out escape plan. Nah!

Instead I will look at the Escape Room rather than it’s contents. It was about mixing it up. Trying something new to see if I liked it. My wife dragged us out of what would have been a boring night in otherwise. The first time for all.  There wasn’t hesitation because it sounded like fun. The only delay was seeing if I was too tired to lift myself off the couch.  The clock was beaten, fun was had and we are already talking about the next room to try out.

And so it goes with WW, whether eating a new food, trying a new restaurant or a new exercise. We can’t sit idly by watching the day pass. Mis it up. Try something, anything. If you hate it so be it you don’t have to try it again. If you like it, it may get you through a tough day later. If you love it, you have found something that can be a staple of your success.

Previous successes for me have been working grapes into my snack routine, testing out the elliptical machine and using a medicine ball. And so this week I vow to try a new food and a new exercise just for the fun of it


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