The Weight Watcher and his Dad

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My friends you have not seen me post in a while. I’m still here and I wish I could say I am doing well. Last week I lost my father so as you can imagine WW and blogging were not my top priority. He was indeed an amazing man who not only provided for me growing up but molded me into the man I am today. I had the opportunity to say his Eulogy at the funeral. It was both difficult and soothing at the same time. I only hope I said enough of those things to him while he was here.

And so here I sit gathering my WW thoughts and trying to return to any sense of normalcy. My brothers and I had so much support from family and friends…a lot of that support takes the form of pasta platters, bagels, cakes, and dinners out. I am grateful for every bite as dealing with funeral preparations are difficult as well as starting to sort through paperwork and belongings (a process I am not prepared to undertake. one step at a time).

I spent a lot of time with my father for which I am eternally grateful. I could quote him all day and find inspiration (maybe another day when I can handle that). For today I remember one thing he said to me recently and it is the reason I return to this site today. Dad recently told me that he had just became the oldest Donahue, passing the age of my grandfather when he passed. He was only 75.  My father passed from a likely heart attack. (and had another mild one just weeks before he passed). He also had Type 2 diabetes which complicates everything. I don’t often use my own health as a driver for my WW journey. I usually base it on doing the things I love and feeling better grabbing clothes out of the closet (I did have to buy a new fat suit just for the funeral).

I sit here sad and also afraid. I need the time to be now. I need to find strength. I just want to sit and be and not deal. Life doesn’t work that way. And so I stand up and try not to get knocked down. Is today a new Day 1 with another Day 1 to follow or will it lead to Day 2 and beyond. I can’t know I can only try.

I can think of the man, my dad, my hero and remember all that we had together. I could not have asked for anything more.



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