The Weight Watcher with a 1000 faces

“I can’t disguise myself with a wig and dark glasses – the wheelchair gives me away.”~Stephen Hawking

Image result for many faced god

It is too early for Halloween. I am not the many faced God from Game of Thrones. I am not a member of the Village people (Enjoy that song in your head all day) Yet this Weight Watcher (WW) finds himself wearing many costumes even in a single day.

Yesterday I awoke as the Prisoner trapped in my body.  I became my own Doctor diagnosing why it was I felt so bad. As I took up this blog I took the toga of a Philosopher and the spectacles of the Author.  I was looking to be my own Teacher and Student. As my day progressed I found times I needed to be a Policeman deterring myself from robbing the cabinets. I transformed into a Cheerleader rooting for myself to succeed. I pulled on my uniform to become an Athlete while I muscled through my workout. Later I pulled on the Monk‘s cloak to meditate away form the need to snack late at night. In the end, I stood tall crowned King of the day successful yet still still slipped on the sheet of a Ghost causing ear of what may come tomorrow.

This WW has already taken on many faces and I suspect will find many more. My costumes have enabled me to get through one day and on to the next. At least they are figurative costumes so I don’t have to deal with the laundry.



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